Project Description
Ashes to Seeds is a project that was created based on the event 9/11. As someone who is born on 9/11 this project emphasized the topic of life in death and death in life. Life is a cycle and this project wanted people to stay open-minded and be curious.

Memories are a strong ability we as humans have and recur. One of the main triggers of memories are images. This book focuses on that concept and as the book progresses the images start to take over the page little by little.

Using the abstract shapes within the book, the poster series were created to enhance the concept of visual sensory. The poster series also uses a phrase, "I love you", which is the first thing people hear when the are born or if they are about to pass.

The second series emphasized the concept of a window. The idea of people viewing the event through a window as well as the idea of cleanliness of a newborn.

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